5 Ways to Create Wealth

Everyone has a desire to be rich, but actually only a few get there. Why is that? Many would like to believe it’s because others are luckier than they are, and while that might be the case for the minority that win the lottery or inherit a fortune, that’s not the case for most. 

Getting rich requires desire, dedication, skill, and patience. You must be ready to take a risk and weather the storm that followers. Getting rich doesn’t happen overnight, but you can make it happen. You can have that life you dream of.

1. Dream big – It begins with having a dream. Write it down, create a mind map of what your life will look like when you are wealthy. Know what it is you want and how you think you’ll get there. It’s not good enough just to have wishful thinking. Your dream needs to resemble reality and that starts with your imagination.

2. Live within your means – One of the biggest mistakes people make is to live beyond what their true means are and credit has made that possible. The trouble is there is no hope of you ever getting out of your vicious cycle if all your earnings go to service your debt. You might be surprised to learn that wealthy people live within their means. Now from our point of view that looks pretty luxurious but because of their wealth, it’s well within their means. They however, are not busy running up credit card debt. 

3. Own your own business – As long as you keep working for someone else you will not become rich. You will simply help to make the owner of the company you work for rich. Instead take that energy and put it into creating your own wealth and creating your own destiny. 

4. Be ready to take a risk – No risk no gain no wealth. It’s really that simple. There’s no sure way to get rich. However, there is a sure way not to get rich and that’s to be too scared to take a risk that something will succeed.

5. Don’t be scared – Fear will kill all dreams and it will kill all desire. If you are scared you won’t be willing to take the risks. As well, if you are living in fear you are feeding your subconscious negative emotions and you will never get out from under your current situation until you retrain your subconscious and that requires positive emotions.

You have the ability to get rich – each and every one of us does. The question is whether we act on the dream.


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