25 tips toward boosting your confidence and self esteem
1. Love Yourself:
can take a bit of practice and looks really funny, but try it, it works. When
you wake up, give yourself a great big hug. Do the same when it’s time for
heard this said a million times before: “How can you expect others to love you
if you don't love yourself?” It’s true. Practice the morning and evening hugs
for 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks if you're the stubborn type and you’ll see how well
it works.
2. Look in the mirror:
time you pass a mirror, look into it and flash your biggest and best smile at
yourself. It might feel strange at first, but eventually it’ll make you feel
brilliant about yourself. Tell yourself “Looking good!” or “Wow, I love me!” or
similar phrases often enough to actually start believing it.
3. Do things that make you
feel good:
can be anything from listening to music, trekking in the Andes, doing some
volunteer work or even just taking a shower. Anything that gives you a positive
feeling about yourself works for this one.
4. Listen to YOU:
it. Nobody knows you better than you know yourself, no matter how many people
try to tell you differently. So if your body, mind or gut is telling you
something, then take notice of it, and don't worry about what other people may
possibly have to say about it.
5. Talk to YOU:
times of stress, take a time-out break. Wander into your own mind and have a
conversation with yourself about anything at all. Tell yourself how lucky you
are to be you, and praise yourself for every good and positive thing you can
attribute to yourself.
6. Remove negatives:
anything feels like it’s dragging you down, get rid of it. If it’s clutter, tidy up, if it’s a friend
full of negativity explain nicely that you don’t really feel up to talking
right now. If it’s your kids acting up, leave the room for a while and so on.
7. Surround with
yourself with things that bring out good feelings in you. Examples could be
things such as happy, upbeat friends, a nice new picture, a new car, an old
comfy blanket, candles, pictures of your family, your girlfriend, boyfriend,
spouse etc.
8. Rumours Die:
you hear something about somebody who said something about somebody else? Drop
it! Rumours are nasty, horrible things that will only bring you down. Best way to kill a rumour? Ignore it!
9. Total Honesty:
totally honest with yourself at all times. If there’s something you don't like,
admit it. If there’s something you don’t want to do “right now” and it isn’t
necessary for health and safety reasons then just don’t do it until you feel
like it.
goes for the positive aspects. If there’s something you want to do, and it’s
not hurting anybody, then go ahead and do it. If you start feeling great about
yourself for no apparent reason admit it and enjoy the feeling.
10. Responsibility
full responsibility for your own actions. Don't shove the blame for anything
over onto someone or something else. We all make choices in our lives, and once
we take responsibility for those choices we tend to choose better for
we start to choose better, we feel better and things start falling into place.
On the other hand, don't take over someone else’s responsibilities just because
you feel “you have to”.
11. Pretend:
you feel unsafe, unsure or nervous then go inside yourself and pretend you’re a
hot-shot lawyer, actor, actress, singer or whatever you need to be.
believe you’re presenting yourself as that person would until you feel better.
Trust me, you WILL feel better, and eventually have no need to be anything but
12. Keep Trying:
you’re trying to do something but don't get it right first time round, then try
again, and again, and again, constantly learning from your mistakes until you
get it right. When you finally DO get it right, you’ll feel wonderful about it.
13. Credit where credit is
you’ve done something really good, and people compliment you on it, accept the
compliments with thanks! Understand that they’re complimenting because they
really ARE impressed with what you’ve done.
in you and give yourself a pat on the back. (Although physically it would
probably be easier to just give yourself a round of applause).
14. Stand Tall:
up straight will ALWAYS make you feel better about yourself than slouching
does. Stand with your feet slightly apart, suck in your tummy and behind,
broaden your shoulders and straighten your neck. It’s an amazingly quick
confidence boost.
15. Say Hello:
it a rule to say hi to at least one person you don't know EVERY day. Give them
the smile you flash at yourself in the mirror, the biggest and best one you can
find. They’ll smile back automatically, and they’ll walk away with a little
extra confidence boost thanks to you.
look their best when they smile, and they also feel better by smiling too! This
ultimately means you get a confidence boost too, for making someone else feel
good about themselves.
16. Never Say
you think something can’t be done, then you'll end up proving yourself right
eventually. So never say never, just keep plugging along until it works for
other people are telling you it can’t be done, you're going to feel such
immense satisfaction at actually doing it that your confidence will soar.
17. Get Active:
sit around the house just doing nothing. Get up, go out, cycling, walking,
exercising, anything that might invigorate your brain. A lively brain full of
thoughts will help you gain confidence.
18. “Happy Foods”:
foods, such as chocolate, strawberries, lemons, ice-cream etc will increase the
serotonin levels in your brain, leading to an increased feeling of happiness.
happy is a natural confidence boost. So go on, enjoy your food! (in moderation,
of course).
19. Face Your Fear:
there something you are afraid of? Face it full on. Doing something scary and
overcoming the fear is a fantastic way to boost your confidence. So go on, jump
out of that plane (with a parachute of course), drive that car, speak in front
of a large crowd, ask for a promotion, or whatever it is that scares you.
You'll feel absolutely brilliant once it’s done.
20. Willpower:
a goal that you really want to reach. Possibly something like weight loss
before a certain time, giving up smoking or having a certain amount of money in
the bank within so many months etc. Take baby steps, and use your willpower
until you succeed at reaching your goal.
will be really hard, as will power can be very elusive at times, but keep going
and don't give up. Once you have reached that first goal by using your
willpower you will have the confidence to create new goals AND reach them.
21. Ask questions:
time you find yourself worrying about something you haven’t done, or something
you think you should have done, ask yourself positive questions. Instead of
thinking “I’m terrible for missing my friend’s birthday” think “What can I do
to make my friend feel special?”
instead of “Why can’t I ever seem to do things on time?” change it to “What can
I change to better manage my time” Creating positive questions will release the
negative energies which have a tendency to pull down your self confidence.
22. Learn:
that not everything works out the way we plan it. Decide to accept any mistakes
and rejections as part of a learning curve that we all need to go through.
mistakes, you can’t learn from your own experiences. Remember, experience
builds confidence, so always learn as much as you can.
23. List:
a list of every single thing you're good at, anything from clipping the dog’s
toenails to putting up a shelf. Take the time to sit and actually think about
what you ARE good at and add them all to the list. You'll be surprised at how
many things you end up jotting down, no matter how minor or trivial they may
seem at the time.
you have a spare 5 minutes, or if you're feeling a little low, take the list
out of your pocket and read it. This is a great little way to give yourself a
nice confidence boost.
24: Help out:
are lots of ways to help others, and feeling useful and helpful are great ways
of building your confidence. Just make sure you do things because you WANT to
do them. You could call a good friend who may be down at the moment-even take
them out for coffee, you will brighten both your days, or you could possibly
help out at an old folks home or similar. Knowing that people appreciate your
help will boost your confidence for sure.
25: Show the way:
of the one thing you do best of all. Think long and hard about this one.
Thought of something? Now, find a discussion group or similar related to that
topic and spread your wisdom by answering questions, offering advice or help to
anybody needing it. If you can’t find a group, you could even start one
will look up to you and that will give you all the more reason to feel
confident about yourself.
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